I have always been an inquisitive and creative person.
Throughout my professional journey, I have been on both sides, an employee and the boss. Both taught me some unique lessons on how things work in the IT industry.
My entrepreneurial past has given me a lot of insight into the core business issues, and how the software we build can solve them. Also, my natural eye for design and past work experiences has helped me to understand how to create projects quickly, and accurately. Along the way of my business journey, I was happy to work with a lot of clients on challenging and exciting projects.
These Companies Trusted Me:

A Designer At Heart
I am a developer and also designer.
I have built my career around the idea that software should be beautiful, as well as functional, because it is not just about how things look, but also about how they feel.
I believe that design is more than just an aesthetic choice: it is an important part of how we interact with the digital world, and how we connect with each other. As such, I work hard to ensure that every project I take on is designed in such a way that makes users feel connected with the product and its creators.
A Little Introduction
I Understand Business and marketing
I am a big believer in the power of knowledge.
When I started my own company from scratch I started to educate myself on business, its processes and also the value in knowledge that is not related to hard skills strictly.
The courses resolving around B2B marketing and Sales gave an opportunity to better understand the clients needs, and that is why I can manage to talk to clients about their business, since building software is just a leverge tool to scale.

Contact Info
Call Me Anytime:
+48 787 646 199